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丹佛斯 薩奧丹佛斯(Sauer-Danfoss)油泵


The demands of your machines work function have met their match. Our Series 45 pumps are designed to be modular and highly customizable with many options to optimize your hydraulic systems.

Features & benefits:

  • Available in a wide range of displacements from 25cc to 147cc, with continuous pressures up to 310 bar to fit a wide variety of applications and needs
  • Modular design with multiple features and combinations of configurations ensuring that Series 45 will fit for ease of installation
  • Multiple integrated control options including electronic controls that are PLUS+1 Compliant
  • Industry standard pump interfaces and shafts
  • Compatible with many fluid types
  • Team of product-specific and systems engineers on staff and able to support
  • Designed for integration with Danfoss PVG Valves
  • Supported by a global manufacturing base with production in multiple regions across the globe

Application opportunities

Series 45 pumps are a proven component in hydraulic systems for fan drive systems, cranes, ehandlers, forklift trucks, forestry and agricultural machinery and numerous other vehicles.


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